Sunday 4 December 2011


All of us in this world are a candidate. Candidate to know something that will happen to you or that is in you. It is not something that is to be forced, but it is something that occurs and changes your way of thinking and possibly your life. Everyone born with this something. Each of us wait till something mind blowing happen and then we enter the awesome state of mind to get something. Something may be science, maths, art, culture and virtue. This all lie within us. I illustrate this by an example from Physics Professor H.C.Verma.
A 3 year old boy is playing with his toys in house. He gets hungry and found nobody around him. He throws his toy and start crying. Later on his mother brought him to kitchen and fed him. After finishing his food he recall his toy game. He moves to that place near around where he threw his toy and gets it there. Now a question arises how he knows that the toy is still at that place? Why he cannot search in his entire house? Because he knows object cannot move. This assumption is in within his blood even though his little mind doesn’t know Newton law of motion (Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remains in that state unless an external force is applied to it). Boy simply knew and applies it.
Everybody is gifted with such thing. The process of believing enlightened values inside you and walking on it is a parmath. Holy people call this something as man soul and throughout in their life they teach us to get interact with your soul. Life is as simple as it two dimensional, it varies only with time and space (space might be multi-dimensional). Observation is only key which will help us to find a reason of why we are being here. If you get something then you would be able to do miracle also.
Be a wise candidate for your experiment with life. Only some people get this something and believe me they became immortal.
Start believing excellence of self.
Be best you can be to develop a benevolent attitude.

1 comment:

  1. Sir you've very well written.
    but every one is self believer and want to do most of his life.
    but very few has truly understand the meaning of Parmarth.Then also the are going ahead in their life.

    Then how really Parmarth mean to Innovation thro' mankind.
